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Books for parents

69 products
    69 products
    Let's go to sleep. What you should know about ways to get your baby to sleep
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    Taste of mom. Breastfeed after the first few months
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    Psycho-programmed children. be aware of the influence of advertising, TV, video games
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    I was born a dad. fathers too are expecting a child
    The treasure of sensitive children. Know it, manage it, enhance it
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    Dear mother. Ideas for a conscious motherhood
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    Born ahead of time. Sacredness of birth and loving welcome to the premature baby
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    Freedom and love. the montessori approach for an education according to nature
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    Washable nappies. guide to the use of cloth diapers from birth to the potty
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    When the wait stops. Reflections and testimonies on prenatal loss
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    Baby at no cost. Guide to critical consumption to better welcome and care for our child
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    How is mother's milk made? ed. coloured
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    Breastfeeding is easy! tips to follow and mistakes to avoid to breastfeed long and happily
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    Weaning for the whole family. Information, tricks and recipes to stay together at the table
    Danish method to play with your child in a healthy and intelligent way (the)
    Newton Compton
    How to speak for children to listen to you & how to listen for them to talk to you
    A Gift for a lifetime. breastfeeding guide. ed. expanded
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    Love on the skin. the importance of contact in the first year of life
    Il leone verde
    A mother was born! the first storybook for mothers
    Einaudi Ragazzi
    The little Montessori - Shapes to touch
    W sleep. with audio cd
    Red Edizioni
    Blissful sleeps. lullabies, fairy tales, rites that favor a peaceful rest. with audio cd
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